My personal opinion on all this is that the authorities acted
correctly. They witnessed what can be described as suspicious
behavior, independent of ethnicity, they checked it out and found

Was there racial profiling? Probably. But the suspicious activity was
the key. What bothers me more is when I'm on flights and I see overtly
suspicious behaviour by white people and it doesn't get checked. Like
the guy that puts his carry-on in the bin above my seat at the middle
of the plane and then proceeds to pass plenty of other empty bins on
his way to his own seat at the back of the plane. And yes, I talked to
a flight attendent about it.

I was curious from this thread though about what group has in fact
caused the largest amount of terrorist attacks in the US. It's been
suggested that while not all muslims are terrorists, terrorists are
generally muslim. So I spent 30 seconds at the FBI web site and found
this report. It's an overall report on terrorism and has a chronology
of incidents in the US from 1990-1999. What I see is in addition to
muslims, there are plenty of individuals that have white-bread
American names, Animal LIberation Front, Culumbian, Peruvian, Puerto
Rican, Jewish Defense League,  Aryan Nation, etc. It was published in
1999, and is also intersting reading in that light. Yes, it mentions
bin-Laden specifically.

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