Tyler, there is a difference between feeling concerned for your family's
safety and writing an article which at best is incendiary. Especially an
article for a nationwide paper. In the same situation, I am certain that I
would have been fearful. I don't know that, at the end of the day, I would
put those fears down on paper and share them with the national media.
Especially if I had no reason, other than my fears, to label these men as
terrorists. The author was interviewed by the FBI. The author followed up
and was told that the men's stories had checked out. The author disregarded
that and continued to allude to the fact that _she_ had decided that they
were terrorists. Period. The last line of the story verifies this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Silcox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 12:55 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Have you seen this?

And I commend you for looking out for all of our civil liberties.  Our
nation is not perfect, it's actually far from it and always will be.  But
I'd rather live here than anywhere else in the world.

It all doesn't change the fact that if I were the author of this article, I
would have been concerned for my family's safety.  I would have felt guilty
afterwards, but still concerned->


From: Won Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 12:42 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Have you seen this?

At 12:08 7/23/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>  >  The idea that because Terrorist of Middle Easter descent committed
>  >  that all Middle Easterners are legitimate suspects is a notion
>  >  me.  Illogical I tell you.
>I haven't heard anyone say "all" Middle Eastern men are terrorists. I don't
>think they are. I think...err...know that everyone on this list is
>intelligent enough to also admit this.

No one wrote this, but it's not illogical to deduce that is what a lot of
ppl think.  Why do you advocate that 14 Middle Easteners talking in the
back are suspicious?  Is because there are 14 of them?

It easy to say, "I don't believe all Middle Eastners are terrorist."  It's
another act it even at the cost of some near term safety.  I agree with a
lot of ppl that I may be swimming upstream against common sense.  I may
even be risking near term safety of my life when I take a flight.  But I
think that risk is so small especially compared to the greater (and
currently actualized) risk of losing personal liberties.  Some of the
families of the victim of the flight may say that it's easy for me to say
this because I didn't lose a loved one, but I tell them it makes it harder.
I find it hard to get up on a soap box and tell people, grieving people
none the less, that singling out a single ethnic group based on the actions
of 19 men is not only illogical but morally wrong.  But personal
embarrassment can not douse my passion; my passion and love for this
country and the belief that what makes America so great is it's

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