-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 3:52 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Have you seen this?

its a privelege to be in america.

No, I consider it a birth-right. I was born in Houston, TX to American
citizens. The fact that I am of Arab descent is secondary. Period.

and post 9/11 we all must be ready to stand for a bit of precaution.
call it what you will, but ill take my chances with a group of middle
eastern looking men being questioned a lot harder than a group of
blonde/blue men any day of the week.

Fair enough. In fact, this is exactly what happened in the article. The men
were "acting suspicious" and were detained at their arrival gate for several
hours. Therefore I am not sure of the author's motives, other than using the
media to give actual terrorists exactly what they are looking for, fear in
our country. (Note: I am not inferring that this was the author's aim, but
it is a side effect of the article)

If the author's intent was to highlight the flaws in air security today,
post 9/11, then that would be a success. However, from her tone I did not
get that feeling.


its just that way now.

we didnt ask for this.  we were dealt these cards.

And neither did I. Yet because of some freak jobs with crazy ideas thousands
of miles away, I am now supposed to change the way that I live? Mind you, as
I said before, I have no problems with changes such as increased wait times
at airports, theme parks, etc, because that is the world that we ALL live in
now. My problem is with someone suggesting that because of my name or
background I should be held to an even more restrictive set of rules.

Before anyone even considers that I am somehow defending terrorists, let me
make one thing crystal clear. These people have attacked MY country, and in
doing so made life quite a bit more dicey for the vast majority of people
who, like me, may have Arabic names or features but are just as American as
anyone on this list. They are cowardly, misguided fucks who have hijacked a
beautiful religion in order to further their cause by preying on the
weaknesses of the poor and disenfranchised in their lands. Trust me, if I
were to observe actual terrorist behavior from one of these pukes, I would
be right there between them and my family hopefully sending them to meet
Allah (who would laugh at them). I may not agree with our country's foreign
policy in many of these matters, and I do believe that until we address root
causes we will be a target, but I have no sympathy for the actual terrorists
out there. Just to make sure that is understood.


Tony Weeg
email: tonyweeg [at] gmail [dot] com
blog: http://www.revolutionwebdesign.com/blog/

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