extending to Sequin and then southwest to Laredo.
The Incumbent Representative was in a primary contest against a man in Laredo.
The vote was only 27, or so votes apart. The San Antonian requested a recount,
but since San Antonio is on touchscreen machines, no recount is possible, but in
Laredo 200 (previously uncounted) ballots showed up. Then later investigation
in Laredo, shows that there are hundreds of very recent voter registrations who
list non-existent addresses or have never lived at the address listed - and the
Band Plays on.
We will probably see more of this in November if the election is close.
----- Original Message -----
From: dana tierney
To: CF-Community
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: Electoral College/DNC
I remember the Texas gerrymandering :) weren't they trying to get
Amarillo and Beaumont into the same district? It was news here because
some of the legislators were hanging out in Albuquerque trying to
avoid being drafted into the special session.
What's this about voter fraud?
----- Original Message -----
From: Doug White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 17:20:12 -0500
Subject: Re: Electoral College/DNC
To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
This year the gerrymandering took place in Texas and Colorado - spearheaded by
Representative Ton DeLay, R-TX
There is a battle going on already on voter fraud in one of the few remaining
Democratic districts.
I believe we will see much more to come soon.
----- Original Message -----
From: dana tierney
There was something about military ballots. I'd have to look it up,
but there was something. However, aren't you assuming that those votes
would have been republican? And uh... correct me if I am wrong but the
democrats did not run the election did they? The one I participated in
administering in Maryland involved vote counters and observers from
each side I think.
Also gerrymandering usually involves redrawing districts to make the
election of certain candidates more likely. Am not aware of
allegations of this in Florida; could have missed them, sure, but
aren't the Republicans in power down there?
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