2003Jun21&notFound=true> &contentId=A19822-2003Jun21&notFound=true

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Munn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 12:39 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Fearmongers at it again

>it depends on what cost you are talking about. imagine the cost in votes to
>the bush admin seen as "weak" in defending us from "terrorists". yea I'm
>that cynical about the motives of this admin, especially after the
>bald-faced lies supporting the invasion of iraq. i say this in full
>admission that I was one of the most vocal supporters on this list at the
>time of the invasion.

It has become an article of faith among Democrats that the President lied to
the country about WMD, especially the line about yellowcake from Niger, to
support the case for the war against Iraq. This article of faith is in
direct conflict with the facts:

- Every member of the Armed Services Committee of the US Senate, including
John Kerry, had access to the same intelligence on Iraq that the
administration had. They believed Saddam had WMD, too. It was a mistake, but
hardly a lie. Either that or John Kerry lied to us too.  

- The governments of France, Germany, Russia, Britain, Egypt, and Jordan all
believed that Saddam had WMD. Egypt and Jordan actually warned that Saddam
would use WMD on our troops.

- As we have subsequently learned, Iraq was in fact trying to secure uranium
from Niger. The forged document played up in the press was a forged copy of
a real document. Other evidence has since corroborated this link.

Given these facts, please explain to me how and when the President lied.
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