My take is that the drama has a slightly different take, something like
this: They find information on a computer hard disk but the fact that they
have it means that that the threat is now slight if not entirely gone. They
figure the public needs cheering up so they make a big show by sending
politicians out to targeted sites where they can show off their courage and
solidarity with the common man, bla bla bla. Personally I think that if
there was still a threat the politicians would not have been seen near the
NY Stock Exchange and they might even have insisted on closing it just to
cover their asses. Cynical perhaps, but I think it's safe to assume that
it's theatre again... A different twist on fearmongering I guess... Maybe
not premeditated, but probably opportunistic.

-----Original Message-----
From: dana tierney

I do. In fact, I'm not to sure they are beyond making it up. Let's
recap... heightened alert in Wisconsin, one in New Mexico, one in New
York, one in New Jersey and one in DC. Any other alerts out there that
have not made the national news? The above alone is enough to frighten
a good part of the country though. If you dont live in one of those
areas changes are you know someone that does.

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