----- Original Message -----
  From: Sam Morris

  --- Doug White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  > Reasons to vote out Bush:
  > 1. Record Setting deficit with tax cuts for the rich
  > - placing the burden on the
  > middle class for generations.
  >  Government spending continues unabated.  For
  > reversing the prior trend of Pay
  > as you go, to massive debt which will absorb an
  > increasing portion of
  > productivity as the years go on.

  The prior pay as you go plan was based on spending the
  SS funds and projected earnings for 15 years. Since
  the recession started in 2000 those projected earnings
  disappeared. It was a numbers scam.
  Then of course there was 9/11 and that changed
  everything. I do agree that Bush is spending too much.

  I think you are referring to the so-called surplus.   The goal of the Clinton
Administration was a balanced budget admentment to the Constitution, which did
not pass.
  The major plank in the DNC campaign is "pay-as-you-go"  In other words do not
cut taxes whenthe need for spending is still there.

  > 2. His main source of intelligence about Iraq was
  > not what all you are quoting,
  > but was from the Iraq Ex-patriots who fed him
  > completely false information.
  > Ex=patriots who were being paid $450,000 per year
  > from the US treasury.
  Yes we didn’t have spies on the ground there and we
  should have.
  There were other countries that told us Saddam had
  WMD’s, so it wasn’t just the ex-patriots.
  This is what Tommy Franks is saying in his book.
  He says multiple Middle Eastern leaders, including
  Jordan's King Abdullah and Egypt's
  Hosni Mubarak, told Franks that Iraq had weapons of
  mass destruction.
  In January 2003, Mubarak said point blank to Franks,
  "Saddam has
  WMD-biologicals, actually-and he will use them on your

  All turned out to be false, didn't it?  The saying that "We just have not
found them yet" is an empty statement now.
  > 3. For moving the country into an international
  > Bully, instead of a peacemaker
  > which won former presidents' the Nobel Prize.

  Don’t get me started on Carter and all his bullshit.

  > 4. For putting in place a foreign policy that caters
  > only to the fat cats and to
  > He** with everyone else.

  Not even sure what you mean here. Is this a
  Halliburton reference?

  Well Cheney is a Former CEO, and still a Major stockholder.
  Condeleeza Rice, The Sec State, and Sec Defense are major stockholders and all
are personal beneficiaries of the huge profits, in spite of evidence of
overcharging, duplicate billing and other unlawful acts which woudl get
contracts summarily cancelled if it were anyone else.

  > 5. For claiming, still, that there was an Al Q
  Ø connection in Iraq.
  Clinton administration claimed it in 1998. The current
  administration was just saying it hasn’t been
  disproved yet.

  On the Contrary, both Bush and Cheney have as late as this month, in campaign
speeches, still assert "There was a connection."

  > 6. For screwing over the seniors on Medicare
  > prescription drug coverage.  They
  > cannot even purchase supplemental coverage,
  > Government is prohibited from
  > negotiating favorable pricing with drug companies,
  > prohibiting importation of
  > same drugs from Canada and Mexico where the
  > identical drugs are sold far cheaper
  > than in the US.  [ I am a senior and will get a
  > lifetime drug benefit of
  > $600.00) and fortunately I am not a cancer patient
  > where the drug costs are over
  > $600.00 monthly!

  Bush tried to push through free medication for seniors
  but couldn’t get the 2/3 votes to pass it. He had to
  settle for the current watered down version, which is
  still better than what was in place 4 years ago.

  No it isn't.  Seniors used to be able to purchase supplemental insurance to
cover prescriptions and co-pays, but that is all prohibited by the new act.  And
of course it guarantees the drug comapmnies profits by not having to negotiate
volume discounts, and outlawing the purchase of prescriptions in Canada and
Mexico.  In fact any senior that votes for bush is just not seeing what has been
done to them.

  > 7, For wrecking the US economy, some have gotten
  > jobs, here in S. A. the layoffs
  > continue as MCI laid off a ton of people Friday,
  > continuing a pattern of job
  Ø loss for the past three years.
  MCI is Worldcom. That was a scandal and they are
  having a hard time recovering from it. Also they let
  the cell phone market pass them by and are now trying
  to play catch-up.

  In the news today; US industry growth at 30-year high

  That means little or nothing   a jump 10 10 % in the lower range, cannot
compare with the loss fo 45% over three years.

  The stock market, whch so many depend on for their retirement, is still 30+%
lower than the day Bush took office. and has just suffereed another 5 week of
decline in value.

  > 8. For rubbing it in to the ones laid off in the
  > middle west by stating
  > "American Workers can compete for jobs with anyone!.
  > "  + "If they have a level
  > playing field"  (Not exact quote but you get the
  > idea.)

  > 9, For claiming our forces in Iraq are a "coalition"
  > when they are only the
  > countries who're receiving huge amounts of money
  > from the US treasury, or were
  > intimidated with the threat of loss of aid.

  That’s just not true.

  Show me a country other than Great Britain that is not receiving millions in
"aid" in return for their membership.  For instance, the country of Egypt is
receiving more aid from the US than Israel is.

  > 10, for the loss of allies and respect of major
  > powers around the globe.  I laud
  > the Turks for turning down the offer of the big
  > bucks and refused to let the US
  > troops land.

  Who did we lose? France and Germany? That’s only two

  France, Germany, Russia, Spain, Phillipines, Japan, Malaysia, and there are
  There are over 75 countries allied with us in Afganistan, and less than 10 in
Iraq.  Go figure.

  > 11.  For not spending at least the same effort in
  > Afghanistan to rid the world
  > of Al Q, where we do have allies, and spending the
  > big bucks to settle an old
  > score in Iraq, which score was brought about by the
  > bad policies of the same
  > people in the current administration that were in
  > the former Bush
  > Administration.

  I don’t think al Qaeda operates out of Afghanistan

  The remnants of the Taliban are alive and well, and back inthe opiate business
exporting via Iran.  Osama and loyalists are rumored to be operating inthe wild
border region between Packistan and Afganistan.  All the BS about stopping the
flow of their funding has turned out to be empty rhetoric, and that is still
alive and well.  The Pressure that Pakistan is applying in the area is directly
proportional to the quantity of US dollars being given to them.

  > 12, For forcing Republicans to become mean spirited
  > and willing to be
  > international bullies, causing ever more
  > divisiveness among the US populace.

  I’m not mean spirited or an international bully.

  > 13, By installing religious right wing radicals into
  > the science organizations,
  > has set back medical and scientific research for
  > years to come.

  I know nothing about this.

  > 14, For his opposition to Stem Cell Research and
  > allowing the breakthroughs to
  > come to be on foreign soil, thus losing our
  > traditional leadership position in
  > Medical Research.

  That’s a long debate.

  > 15, For terrorizing the citizens of New York because
  > they found a Laptop
  > Computer in Pakistan where the player of a computer
  > game entered real building
  > and targets in his computer game of Sim City or
  > whatever. [ OK OK this is a
  > little stretch! :-)]
  > 16. Public denying that the Southern Border
  > crossings are under funded, under
  > manned and are releasing Middle eastern males who
  > are being smuggled into the US
  > out on the streets even after being rounded up.
  > Thus is continuing to lie and
  > mislead the public.

  Your word against his I guess.

  Well it was reported locally at first, now MSNBC has picked up the story and
it will spread, I am sure.

  > 17, After creating the DHS, leaving them with merely
  > the duty of repeating the
  > Microsoft and SANs computer security alerts and
  > sending them out via email, and
  > telling people how to build and maintain a "survival
  > kit" which includes duct
  > tape and plastic sheeting.
  > 18, For lying and misleading the public, has done
  > it, continues to do it, an can
  > be expected to lie even more as time goes on.

  You think everything he says is a lie so no point
  discussing it.

  Every thing he says that is not the truth is a lie - I stand by that.

  > 19,  For misusing the security acts, to obfuscate
  > and hide evidence of
  > malfeasance and wrongdoing by his and his father's
  > administrations by secreting
  > the documents and other evidence.

  Can you elaborate?

  All the documetns revealing the Rumsfield and Cheney involvement in the Sale
of WMD to Iraq were declared sealed by Bush and labelled as "In the interest of
National Security."   Very widely reported previously.

  > 20. Masc. items, The Patriot Act, The prisoner
  > handing, The anti-constitution
  > Attorney General, and more.

  I think we need the patriot act and Bush didn’t put
  the panties on the prisoner’s head.

  Existing laws, providing court oversight on warrants was eliminated by the
Patriot Act, and that is a bad thing.  Abuses by Law Enforcement without checks
and balances have happened and widely reported, especially the FBI, which had
undergone a previous re-organization because of its abuses inthe past.  The
Patriot Act restores these abuses and gives them free reign.

   I shouldn't even enter into another discussion with you, because if Rush
didn't broadcast it, you feel it did not happen.
  I would go to the trouble of providing a number of links to back up my
statements, but it has been shown in the past that they have no effect on you,
therefore I will not go to the trouble.  I have not mentioned anything above
that has not already been widely discussed, resourced in recent months - and I
am sure are available in the archives of this list.

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