It's politically correct to be in favor of educational programs. I
suggest you take a look at suspensions and expulsions since NCLB.

The news stories I have seen say benefit from the drug program varies
from negligeable to nehgative, ie in many cases drugs cost more.

----- Original Message -----
From: Sam Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 13:47:17 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: Kerry's record in Senate
To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- "Tangorre, Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What has Bush done to show that he deserves to stay
> in and lead? Let's
> recap:
> Gave the wealthiest Americans a tax break while the
> middle class continues
> to struggle.. Not to mention the less fortunate of
> the US still get shafted.
Top 50% of wage earners pay 96.03% of all federal
income tax. Should it be 100%?

> Led the U.S. into a war which we had no business
> going into.
Kerry said he would have gone to war also.

> Approved the bullshit prescription benefits plan,
> which was nothing more
> than a kick in the balls to all our seniors; many of
> which already served
> for this country (what a way to say thanks!).
It's a great program that helps seniors pay for drugs.
Why are you against that?

> Came up with a crappy "no child left behind" program
> that penalizes schools
> instead of giving them the necessary resources to
> make significant positive
> progress in their schools.
Wrong again. Do a google news search:
And look at all the success stories.

> Should I keep going?
Only until you find a fact :)


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