This is repost of from my previous email, man I have start proof reading
my shit better. :-)


Man this is getting boring. Before we start breaking out the history
books and reciting all of the past presidents "fuck ups" let me clarify
something.  I never said that I supported Bush, Kerry or that other guy
(what the hell was his name (LOL)).  Any who, my point is this, we will
never have a president in office that is not a "fuck up".  During their
terms they will be criticized and nit-picked to death by people like the
ones replying to this idiotic discussion. There are infamous arguments
on why non of the candidates should be in office, but in the end this
great country of ours and the people that call it their home will decide
who they will want to run the country.  Then, with whom ever they decide
to elect, the criticisms and nit-picking will start again.

I have worked very closely with a former president and his staff while I
served my country.  What I learned while I performed my duties is
that simply you can never make every one happy and the opinions,
criticisms and debates will never stop.  That is why I chose to
go into the military, freedom, and if it took me to die for my country
while I served (Persian Gulf War), I would have. Thankfully God brought
me through it and blessed me with knowledge, a lot more respect for life
and a family of six.

Over all, there are more important things to worry about than who
"fucked up" the most and look to how to correct what is already "fucked



One more thing, for all of you imbeciles who think that having an AOL
account makes me have less of an opinion, Fuck Off!

Tangorre, Michael wrote on 8/5/2004, 19:16:

> I am not perfect so I do not need to elaborate anymore on that; besides
> that is not the topic at hand (your words).
> It does not take a genius to see a fuck up. I will tell you how the
> current fuck up is in fact a fuck up:
> Leading this country into a war without gathering the support of the
> international community nor waiting for the weapons inspectors to
> complete or continue their inspections.
> Providing tax breaks to the top earners in this country while the middle
> class continues to struggle, not to mention the number of people who
> can't even scrape by.
> Approving of the bullshit prescription drug benefit program that does
> not even come close to helping the seniors of this country out.
> Spending more time on vacation than in the white house; my tax dollars
> aren't going to support his golf hobby.
> Dancing around questions during his addresses to the American People; go
> back and read the transcripts and see how foolish he sounds.
> His desire to define what a marraige is; which is indirectly
> descriminating against homosexuals, plain and simple.
> I can go on if you need.
> Michael T. Tangorre
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