Well..the Girlfriend bought a spanking new ALienware Aurora 51!
Oh...my....gosh! The presentation on these machines is AMAZING!
>From the intimidating black box that is about 4 feet tall, to the whole
beautiful case when you get it out the box,
The whole thing just says: "Class".
It came with a gorgeous NEC Multisync LCD monitor, 19 Inch...and dammit
I now know what people rave so much about.
My bulky CRTs seem to pale in comparison! The LCD just seems so much
more Vibrant and...well..'sharp' somehow.

Now the kicker is that the machine I put together beats it by a few
hundred 3DMark points, but darn does it look good :)
It's just..it's fantastic really.

I'd highly recommend the whole 'Alienware Experience' to anyone after
going through it myself (even though it ain't mine).

Finally she will be able to experience the games I've been playing,
things like Doom III, Far Cry,Sacred....:-)
She is upgrading from a Pentium III 800 ^_^, so you can imagine how
wonderfully new everything feels to her!

It's a happy day..uhh..early morning! :)

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