The Republicans good you know...they good. I have to give the party
They are aggressive, smart and they know how to talk the talk and walk
the walk.
They are all great salespeople.
They completely understand the lowest common denominator principle, and
they use
it to great effect.

I look at the democratic party and I see people fumbling and fighting
for a foothold in public opinion,
who despite all the apparent mis-steps by the Republican administration
in terms of policy,
have not been able to capture the minds and hearts of the people.

Kerry ain't no Clinton, and perhaps it will be the party's downfall that
money = who wins.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Morris  

MILLER: (Laughing) Because that was the biographical
sketch that they gave this young senator -- not young
senator, but new senator -- that had come up there,
and all I knew is that this man had a won the Purple
Heart three times and won the Silver Star. Look, I
went back and researched the records, and I looked at
these. When I was putting that speech (text | video)
together, I wanted to make sure that whenever I sat
down with people like you, who would take these
talking points from the Democrats and who also had
covered politics in years, that I would know exactly
what I was talking about, and we don't have time to go
through it on the air but I can go through every one
of those things that we mentioned about where he
voted. Voted against the B1 bomber on October the
15th, '90, and on and on.

RUSH: Now, the reason that people are so excited about
this is this is the way they wish everybody would talk
to the media, when asked these questions. "Hey, look,
I researched this because I knew I was going to be
sitting down with people like you who are going to be
throwing Democrat talking points back at me and I
wanted to make sure I could back up what I was
saying." Hubba hubba.
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