I think I agree with the proposition that the Democrat's problem is
that they are buying into this Bush proposition that you cannot attack
Bush without attacking the sitting president in a time of war. How
convenient that we are more or less continuously at war... Kerry is
being to dang polite about these Republican distortions in my opinion.


On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 08:29:59 -0400, Angel Stewart
> The Republicans good you know...they good. I have to give the party
> that.
> They are aggressive, smart and they know how to talk the talk and walk
> the walk.
> They are all great salespeople.
> They completely understand the lowest common denominator principle, and
> they use
> it to great effect.
> I look at the democratic party and I see people fumbling and fighting
> for a foothold in public opinion,
> who despite all the apparent mis-steps by the Republican administration
> in terms of policy,
> have not been able to capture the minds and hearts of the people.
> Kerry ain't no Clinton, and perhaps it will be the party's downfall that
> money = who wins.
> -Gel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sam Morris  
> MILLER: (Laughing) Because that was the biographical
> sketch that they gave this young senator -- not young
> senator, but new senator -- that had come up there,
> and all I knew is that this man had a won the Purple
> Heart three times and won the Silver Star. Look, I
> went back and researched the records, and I looked at
> these. When I was putting that speech (text | video)
> together, I wanted to make sure that whenever I sat
> down with people like you, who would take these
> talking points from the Democrats and who also had
> covered politics in years, that I would know exactly
> what I was talking about, and we don't have time to go
> through it on the air but I can go through every one
> of those things that we mentioned about where he
> voted. Voted against the B1 bomber on October the
> 15th, '90, and on and on.
> RUSH: Now, the reason that people are so excited about
> this is this is the way they wish everybody would talk
> to the media, when asked these questions. "Hey, look,
> I researched this because I knew I was going to be
> sitting down with people like you who are going to be
> throwing Democrat talking points back at me and I
> wanted to make sure I could back up what I was
> saying." Hubba hubba.________________________________
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