Well from my own experience in various flight simulators keeping a plane
steady at a few tens of feet off the ground is pretty difficult. Far
easier to just dive bomb from above.

Historians, history buffs and conspiracy lovers everywhere have asked
several questions about JFK's assassination, and this has led to an
indepth analysis of the event that perhaps would never have occurred if
everyone took the events at face value.

Similarly, the questions raised about the Pentagon incident has spawned
much research into building safety, expected points of structural
failure...it even spawned the most realistic true to life physics
modeling of an aircraft crash ever. It was initiated by a university to
answer the question of how a plane deforms and impacts a building such
as the Pentagon.

So...it still puzzles me how asking these questions, or exploring these
areas is somehow disrespectful of those that lost their lives.
I can't understand how an academic analysis of the situation is
dishonorable anywhere but in a communist country, where asking questions
of the State is forbidden.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Vernon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think the whole point of accuracy when flying a plane into a building
is a
moot one... they just aimed for the building... NOT room 214 on the
floor. Do you think they cared? I don't.

Also, to me the medium that was used to kill and maim hundreds of people
pretty much irrelevant. Be it a truck, missile or 757 the result was the
same. The mass and unwarranted destruction of life. It is the act (an
act of
terror) and the loss of life that is important here, not the method.

Think about it, why would there be a conspiracy to hide the fact that a
missile was used instead of a plane? It doesn't add up... What is the
in it? The building still blew up... Its like saying 'Lee Harvey shot
with an UZI 9mm instead of a rifle'... Lee Harvey still shot JFK... (If
subscribe to that theory but that's a whole other thread...)

Whilst were on this subject, if we are believing the flash movie, are we
saying that the US Government conspired with Al Qaeda to blow up the
Pentagon and cover up the actual method that was used... I think not...
C'mon, common sense should have thrown that flash out the window where
belongs a long time ago...

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