I have to mirror Rob's comments on MAX.  I think last year I went to
about 2.5 actual sessions, but the amount of stuff I learned was still
worth it.  For those who've never gone to a MAX/Devcon conf, most of
the speakers are there the whole time, and it's very easy to find them
and strike up a conversation.  I learn way more stuff in the hallways,
bars, and at 2:00 in the moring in hotel hot tubs than the sessions.
It's worth it enough to me that I've paid my own way the last 3 years
and have no regrets having done so.

Plus, New Orleans is a fun town and it's a good time.  You'd really
have to try hard to come back from MAX not recharged, reinvigorated,
and eager to try the new stuff you learned.  Complain about MAX all
you want, count your pennies all you want, but I for one am going to
be there!


----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 17:59:48 -0400
Subject: Re: Ivan Speaking at MAX?
To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>No comments on what MAX has to offer to make it worth it? More then
>meeting friends and such. Are the speeches really worth the hotel and
>flying etc?
>I mean i would love to go but unless there is a good business reason i
>doubt i'll get them to pay for it next year lol.

These conferences are invaluable. This will be the only time you can
sit down together with a whole bunch of very respected people in the
industry and just shoot the breeze about any subject that comes to
mind. Not that you can't do that online, but I compare it to workng
remotely v. being in an office. You miss the coffee break chats, the
chance conversations in the hallway, all the little exras that direct
interaction brings.

It is also a great place to see a wide variety of presentations that
you just can't get in one place otherwise. Perhaps if you live in one
of the CF centers that is well supported by a big CFUG community- NYC,
DC, Atlanta- you get some of that locally. And no disrespect to
SDCFUG, which I ran for awhile and which Bill Dale and Cameron
Childress are doing such a good job with now. But we're a smallish
community compared to some others. I am a big believer that you can
only achieve critical mass in ideas by having lots of people come
together- the more the better. A hundred is ok. A thousand is great.
At a certain point it becomes overkill- maybe the old Comdex shows
would be a good example of that.

Plus, HoF will have the suite open for all to share their ideas. How
can you beat that?________________________________
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