--- William Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And who
> says having four years of college makes you less
> likely to partake in the occasional blunt?
> It doesn't, but...
> Four years of college does tend to make one more
> educated, better
> read, better suited to discern logical arguments,
> better able to
> recognize hyperbole, better able to think for
> oneself.

I hope you're not one of the 20% of Daily show viewers
that thinks it's a real news show.

It's comedy, sattire, not real news.
If people believe it then school hasn't helped.

> And FWIW, though I did partake in college, I never
> once smoked a "blunt"
> Again, I'm not a big O'Reilly fan but he does bring
> up
> important issues occasionally.
> And then loses whatever credibility he has by
> shouting down, stepping
> all over and ridiculing his "guests." Entertainment?
> Sure. Good TV?
> Maybe. Intelligent debate? Hell no.

I have to agree with you here, he's very bullheaded.


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