Very worthy feedback, which I appreciate.  Consider this, when you know someone is upset at the moment, and you still want to make fun of him/her?
And let's say, you're the upset person.  

In terms of language subtlety, I think one could avoid misleading language like "Hope to see you soon" to indicate otherwise, instead, "Thank you for your time" or "Nice to have met you" etc. would less likely to cause misunderstanding.

And on personality, interesting point.  I always think honesty and consideration of other's interest and wellbeing as equally imporatant as mine.  What else do people expect from other individuals?  I'm buffled.



>Still looking for that job then? I know from your contributions to
>CF-Talk that you're a capable developer, so maybe the problem is your
>personality. Calling people an asshole after they give you a humorous
>but reasonable answer to a controversial question isn't exactly the
>way to engender a positive opinion of you.

>You have made clear through how you write that you have problems with
>some of the subtleties of the English language. "Hope to see you soon"
>is often a polite nothing, something that interviews and business
>relationships are full of. Get used to it.
>If you want real honesty, you typically have to pay a shrink or
>consultant to give it to you. Consider my comments a freebie.
>On Tue, 05 Oct 2004 13:12:04 -0400, Don Chunshen Li
>> >
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