>Chunshen (Don) Li wrote:
>> Very worthy feedback, which I appreciate. Consider this, when you
>> know someone is upset at the moment, and you still want to make fun
>> of him/her? And let's say, you're the upset person.
>It's one thing to expect that others take into consideration that you
>are upset. It's another thing to expect us to have psycic powers that
>let us know when you are upset. We had no way of knowing that you were
>upset until your outburst at a humorous, though insightful, post.
>> In terms of language subtlety, I think one could avoid misleading
>> language like "Hope to see you soon" to indicate otherwise, instead,
>> "Thank you for your time" or "Nice to have met you" etc. would less
>> likely to cause misunderstanding.
>Unfortunately, this is one of those things that happens in American
>culture. I don't much care for it, either. It's along the same lines
>as people asking how you're doing when they really don't want to know.
>It's a somewhat misleading pleasantry.
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