So in your mind an MBA at one of the top 5 business
schools in the world just isn't as good enough?

--- Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Sam wrote:
> > Why don't you admit when you're wrong?
> > You call Bush an idiot and when I show you he has
> a
> > higher IQ then Kerry
> Because I don't think I'm wrong.  You didn't show me
> evidence - you
> just posted someone's theory based on decades old
> data.  If you want
> to believe Mr. Bush has a high IQ, that's your
> choice, but it would be
> a choice rather than a fact.
> As to his HBS degree - HBS is a case-based school
> rather than a quant
> school like Wharton or U of Chicago;  That means
> group work and room
> to fudge since you're being tested on an existing
> case rather than
> your expertise with quant frameworks.  (This isn't 
> so true today, but
> it was then)
> Further, Mr. Bush wasn't a "top fighter pilot".  He
> was in the
> reserves and did well in his class which, given the
> circumstances,
> didn't mean much.  The top pilots were actually
> fighting in Vietnam
> (e.g., John McCain.) which Mr. Bush actively
> avoided.
> The truth is that Mr. Bush is a slightly dim failed
> businessman who'd
> been given every possible opportunity to succeed,
> but didn't.  There's
> just not much in his history to admire.

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