Very interesting perspective.  And this makes sense.  If any of the
terrorist groups had the stash, they'd of probably filmed it and placed it
on the web to increase the fear.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Munn

Here is the latest on the story:

Russia did not go "on its own". It has been VERY well documented that
Russian military suppliers- that means the Russian government, essentially-
were dealing arms to Saddam in violation of the UN, over a period of years.
When US troops got into Iraq and started fighting Iraqi soldiers, here is a
sample of what they found:

- Russian-made night-vision googles
- Russian-made shoulder-fired SAMS (essentially a knock-off of the Stinger
- Russian-made highly specialized RPGs capable of taking out an M1 tank with
a single lucky shot

Russian officials and companies were also some of the biggest beneficiaries
of the Oil-For-Food kickback program. What does this all mean? Russia was in
bed with Saddam and we agreed implicitly to turn a blind eye to their
involvement if the Russians agreed not to block the invasion. That is how
politics works. The Russians were performing a little last-minute CYA when
they hauled this stuff away and destroyed as much of the evidence as

If the Russians didn't do it, and Santa didn't do it, then who removed 40
truckloads worth of WMD from that facility, and when did it happen? While
the 3rd ID was rolling up the road to Baghdad? No one was on those roads
except the US military.

So in the end, our governments sat by watching and said nothing. Does that
surprise you? Some people seem willing to believe the wildest coverup
conspiracy theories about this administration but choose not to believe the
one coverup story that might actually favor them?

Check out the link below. One of the things you see is that Rumsfeld is
dropping the hammer on this guy Shaw who blabbed to the Washington Times.
Why not let this guy defend his position - a position that bolsters the
President's case? Because some things are larger than local politics.

Look at the Oil-for-Food scandal. The administration wishes deep down that
the whole thing would just go away. Why? They could pound on the French, the
Russians, the Chinese, etc. about the scandal, but they have made a
strategic choice that building and holding an alliance in the War on Terror
comes first and everything else-especially what amounts to water under the
bridge- comes second.

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