"There are three problems with the Patriot Act. The first is obviously a suspension of 
due process. Within 6 months of passing it,
the Bush administration was boasting that it had been used to to prosecute drug 
dealers. This has nothing to do with terrorism, and
showed the real intent: a law which could be used to suspend normal due process in the 
investigation and prosecution of anyone, not
just terrorists.

Secondly, there is the invasion of privacy. I really could care less if anyone read 
all my email or searched my computer. There's
nothing incriminating. But this lack of concern only applies if the intent is criminal 
investigation. Political persecution is
another matter. The Patriot Act is a perfect cover for a fascistic Star Chamber. If a 
group within the intelligence community
decided that only those with the proper political views should rise to prominent 
positions, the Patriot Act would give them the
clout to find out who does or doesn't hold these views. The persecution part is 
easy--just call a prospective employer and drop
hints about an investigation into your background and affiliation with criminal 
organizations. The Patriot Act makes the Thought
Police a real possibility. This is why law enforcement was required to get permission 
and provide notification. It permits ordinary
citizens to catch the scent of this kind of activity, permitting correction by civil 
and political action. A crucial part of the
checks and balances of the American system has been disabled.

The third danger is high noise and low signal. If the intelligence community becomes 
involved in the unneccesary surveilance of
innocent civilians, the time, expense, and manpower devoted to this is diverted from 
genuine threats. The end result is less
security, not more. In one of the debates, John Kerry mentioned thousands of hourse of 
surveilance tapes that have never been
watched. Who is going to watch all of this? This is noise. In Britain, where cameras 
have been installed everywhere, their main
usage is to bust people for traffic violations. I suppose that if a terrorist attack 
does occur, they can look at the tapes later
and say, "Oh, there go the terrorists."

What the intelligence community needs to do is focus, get people on the ground, and 
stop the political infighting that is clogging
the system. That means that people in the intelligence community should check their 
political opinions at the door when they come
in, and stop pulling stunts like outing CIA operatives for political gain. The 
draconian measure currently being used won't help
either; if you know a guy who is innocent but might have a lead, you're a lot less 
likely to give his name if you think he might get
shipped to Guantanamo Bay just because he might be a couple steps removed from 
suspicious characters. And finally, they would have
to get rid of John Ashcroft, the incompetent git who lost an election to a dead guy, 
shut down the FBI people who informed him of
the suspicious group of Arabs training in a flight school in Florida, and who has 
detained 6000 people without finding a single
terrorist. As long as he's in place, nothing else will matter."

"First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out--because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists
and I did not speak out--because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out--because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me--
and there was no one left to speak out for me."

This taken from /.


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