It was still just one study using 695 people.

But, if you're going to be an asshole everytime
someone doesn't agree with you then I'll drop it.

Have a nice weekend.


--- "Larry C. Lyons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nope it doesn't say that at all. "There were
> significantly fewer
> pregnancies in young
> women who received a multifaceted programme
> (0.41;0.20 to 0.83),
> though baseline differences in thisstudy favoured
> the intervention."
> Significantly fewer mean that if you could replicate
> this study an
> infinite number of times, getting these results
> would occur in over 95
> % of the time.
> In other words the girls going through the
> multifacited programmes
> were less likely to get pregnant.
> At the same time there was a positive association
> (significant
> correlation in other words) between being partnered
> with a male
> graduate of an abstinance program and getting
> pregnant.
> I have neither the time nor the interest to discuss
> what you're
> missing and at what fundimental level. The full
> article I referenced
> is on the web, carefully study it. Also study and
> understand their
> methodology a case controlled meta-analysis, (hint,
> try an on-line
> article I wrote
> then
> read
> Cook and Campbell's book on quasi-experimental
> designs. Otherwise I
> really don't want to bother trying to correct your
> fundimental
> misunderstandings. I have better things to do.

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