I took Ritalin, still do sometimes, but i try to just deal with it and
force my self to pay attention, I am going through one of those I
dislike taking medication phases. My brother started Statarra not too
long ago and my sister-in-law seems to be happier so it must be good
stuff lol. I am not seeing a difference between when I take meds and
when I don;t but relatives and my fiance seem to notice, placibo
affect maybe. At any rate eveyone has trouble focusing sometimes just
b.c you can't focus on a particular task doesn;t mean you are ADD it
just means you're human...theres more to it than that ;)

Adam H 

On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 18:48:18 -0500, Charlie Griefer
> RLS = Restless Leg Syndrome
> I didn't bother trying to find the 'best' link, so take your pick :)
> http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2004-34,GGLD:en&q=%22restless+leg+syndrome%22
> On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 19:43:01 -0400, Angel Stewart
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What is RLS?
> >
> > I like to shake me feet from side to side to get to sleep. But once I'm 
> > asleep..they stop moving (of course ^_^).
> >
> > -Gel
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tony Weeg
> >
> > hmmm... mine is diff.  i sleep like a motherf***er, for hours on end :)
> >
> > thats a good thing.  what happens to me, is the weird feeling in the middle 
> > of the legs, mostly my upper legs, but it seems to
> > follow boredom.  if im involved in something that im REALLY interested in, 
> > and it doesnt have to be fast paced it can be a REALLY
> > slow movie, thats GOOD, well, then... im good.  no problem!
> >
> > its only when im bored.... i can be sitting in a chair watching porn, and 
> > if its boring it can happen.  heck, ive been at a
> > lollapalooza, like 2 yrs ago and it happened then....
> > its only around boredom, in fact, when i go to sleep, it goes away...
> > thats one method!
> >
> > does she get the odd feeling in the legs? or does she have periodic limb 
> > movement or something like that?
> >
> > tony
> >
> >

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