> does she get the odd feeling in the legs? or does she have periodic limb
movement or something like that? 

She describes it like her bones are itching and you have to shake your legs
or they move involuntarily to get rid of it. If she goes to bed, it gets

Moving on to Adams point that in Europe it's looked upon as an 'American
disease', I tend to agree.... 

Here in the UK, my partner was diagnosed 3 years ago, the health services
provide her with Dexadrine (Dexamphetamine) and they are still referring her
to yet more shrinks because they are still unhappy with the diagnosis *even
though* the drugs totally stop the symptoms she has... It seems that there
is this massive battle going on within the health services over here as to
whether it exists or not. 

Having lived with someone with it and having extended family that have also
been diagnosed all I can say to the doctors is that they should try living
with people that have it for a while before saying it doesn't exist...


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