now -that- was amusing.

i vote that every Monday morning Gel posts a "...previously on
cf-community" summary! :)

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 16:16:10 -0400, Angel Stewart
> Isaac is getting a sex change.
> Dana and Sam are getting married.
> Larry's wife is having a real kid and he's hoping it has just two legs.
> Tony and Michael are renewing their vows next week.
> Mikey is under scrutiny from the FBI because he was found with two laser
> pointers and a foil cap yelling 'They're coming! They're coming' at the Bush
> Inauguration.
> Russel is leaving the CF Community and becoming a Postal worker.
> Kevin is considering a vacation in Amsterdam for that 'special occasion' with
> his 'partner'.Please bring Graeme Crackers instead of rice.
> The man known only as G continues to watch and wait for it to happen.
> Jeffrey Houser embarressed Macromedia at the last user's meeting by smashing 
> an
> electric guitar and biting the head off a bat on-stage.
> Won Lee recently Lost Lum.
> Marlon Moya is upset at being cancelled.
> paul ihrig has started the no cap club no capitals or punctuation in written
> communication so far it is doing great.
> Deanna has revealed her strange ice pellet fetish to the list
> Todd has returned from exile to resume his bid for President of the World.
> We finally found out what Gruss Gott, but antibiotics have been known to work
> wonders.
> And me and the all the other old-timers and regulars?
> Well..nothing's much changed with us ^_^
> -Gel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: brobborb
> I miss everyone so much man.  After bein on the road for a while i figured I
> dont really NEED email or internet as much as I used to.  But some things i 
> just
> couldnt let go!  Can anyone brief me on any thing big thats been happening to
> anynoe on the list?

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