OK well this guy sure seems to think that there's a problem:


The civil rights project at Harvard University seems to believe him --
they cited him in an amicus brief


in particular

"Dr Swanson's reseach shows a strong relationship with indicators of
school segregation and this relationship was found to be independent
of poverty. While Dr Swanson's statistical regression analysis was
only performed on the national data in its entirety, in every state,
districts with high minority concentrations exhibited lower graduation
rates than districts where Whites were the majority." (p24)

Oh, and here's a discussion of a school to prison pipeline, also by
Harvard's Civil Rights project:


On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 22:42:11 -0500, Michael T. Tangorre
> > From: Dana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > But I guess what I am asking is, how segregated is your life? Not how
> > bad are the neighborhoods -- though I actually don't consider Glenmont
> > all that horrible -- but are you actually in a place where you can say
> > you know what it is to be black in the US?
> My life is not segregated that much at all... by race anyways. In terms of
> household income, yes, very much so. Each area has its poverty/lower
> class/middle class/upper class area. Around here anyway, it is not a "black"
> thing... nor a "white" thing. No I can't say I know what it is to be black
> in the U.S and nor can  you... you're white. Period. You may have an "idea"
> from all your adventures as a cabbie, but when it comes down to it, you are
> no more closer to understanding black that Tony Weeg is to not being high at
> 7 AM :-)
> > Cause let me tell you, I hung around with black guys when I was
> > driving a cab. Five years or more with guys who mostly were black.
> > Joked with them, smoked with them and got bored with them, listened to
> > their stories and got to know a few of them pretty damn well. I have
> > lived in ALL  black neighborhoods, some terrible, some pretty good.
> > And I *still* don't know much and maybe not a damn thing. Cause at the
> > end of the day when I went home I was white. Do you have any idea what
> > I am saying?
> No I don't. What are you saying. When I go home I am white cuz I was white
> when I left home. I hang around black guys at work all day and even some
> Chinese guys (wow I am diverse) and when I go home, I am no more closer to
> being Chinese or black than when I left... so I am have no idea where you
> are going with this.
> > Now inner city schools -- to be honest I have spent maybe a year on
> > this and it was in Jacksonville, so maybe it was Florida, but I have
> > had some long talks with my friend in Cinncinnati who has a biracial
> > daughter and she too thinks that they're mainly seen as warehouses
> > before the kids go to jail. You learn to walk in a line and to shut
> > up. This doesn't help you much in college.
> Like all areas, there are good schools and bad schools, good students and
> bad students. Talking with my fiance about this (she has lived in NYC, went
> to FIT; lived in Chicago, South Carolina, Wyoming, DC, and upstate NY) and
> she agrees... some good, some bad and it is the teachers who are teaching
> because they want a job not because they want to make a difference, that
> spread the BS about inner city school being holding tanks for jail bound
> minorities. I would take her word for it as she has first hand experience in
> some of the roughest cities!

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