
Considering that you went from "angry about the potato famine" to
"anti-Semite" in the blink of an eye I don't know what to make of your
assertion that Heidegger was a Nazi. If so I am not aware of it, but I
don't know squat about the man. If anyone else knows I'd appreciate a
rational voice on this. Otherwise I guess I'll have to look it up. But
it's a side issue.

I don't believe you have read the book. It was not a defense of
Eichmann. It concluded that he deserved to be put to death..

Along the way it expressed some very complex thoughts about the
capacity of most people for evil. It is this that it is best known for
and this, I think, that Churchill was referring to when he called the
people in the twin towers Eichmanns. His argument actually derives in
a straight line from Socrates and the hemlock and although I disagre
with it and with the language in which it is presented,  is pretty
respectable in its logic.

Nor am I in any way shape or form defending Eichmann or anyone else
that commits mass murder. I resent the allegation that I would want to
and frankly that thought makes me doubt your sanity. Get this
straight. If  I say a post may upset you this is not an invitation to
read it. If you must read it anyway think before you call me vile
things. Try to stay connected to reality, and preferably leave me out
of your thoughts.

Thank you.


On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 23:20:07 -0800, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You don't know when to stop do you?
> She was a Jew that studied Christianity and knew little about Judaism.
> She was madly in love with Heidegger, her teacher and an anti-Semite
> in the Nazi party. He's considered brilliant too. I'd call him an
> idiot also if he weren't able to manipulate her so easily. He was her
> biggest influence and it shows.
> Now I realize how much you want to defend Eichmann but why not look
> him up using your own sources?
> Most agree that Eichmann knew exactly what he was doing, however some
> "Eichmann Defenders" (his son included) state that he was unfairly
> judged and that he was only doing his duty as a German soldier.
> So again, you find one person who supports this guy because she's in
> love with a nazi and you ignore everything else. I don't know who
> these people are but it's a good summary.
> On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 17:53:46 -0700, Dana  wrote:
> > well if you think she's an idiot defending eichman ahem there's not
> > much else to say.  The Libray of Congress does disagree with you:
> >
> >
> >
> > but what's a fact or two when you're being insulting? Btw:
> >
> >
> >
> > and from
> >

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