1. Set the border of the image to:
IMG { border: 10px solid black; }

If you have the white "border" as the image's border, then add a DIV
around the IMG tag and apply the 10px black border to that.

You can nest the DIVs as many times as necessary to duplicate your
"raised picture frame".

2. Still thinking about that.


Question One:
Is there any way for the black frames around the three images on the
left to be a uniform 10px whether the image is landscape or portrait?
If you don't see images of different orientation, just refresh the page
a couple of times.  Different images are selected each time the page is
viewed.  Conceptually, I would like the black frame to shrink wrap
around the image, but still be centered on the tan box no matter its
actual size and orientation.

Question Two:
Is using a background image the only way to create a fluid column effect
with a background color.  I would like the light yellow background of
the image and most viewed lists to go to the bottom of the neighboring
text section no matter how tall or short the section ends up being.  I
am hoping not to use a background image so that it would be easier to
change the background colors when desired.  A big reason for this
redesign is to make it easier to change our color scheme so that we can
change it seasonally.  

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