> Kevin wrote:
> Um..uh...how's that different from the progressive tax we have now?

It's eliminates 99.9% of the tax code and allows us to get rid of over
300,000 government employees.

Robert is right, though, it's tough to convince people.

For example, let's take the marketing around the "estate tax", which
everyone favors, and the "death tax" which everyone is against.

The marketing behind this has convinced people it's "double taxation".
 It's not since our base tax is in "income" or the money that you, as
an individual, have incoming whether you find it, make it, win it, or
inherit it.

Your father, for example, pays income tax on his property since it's
his.  If he wills it to you, you now have to pay tax on it because
it's now incoming to you.  No double taxation, just income taxation.

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