It sounds to me Dana like you are letting your personal history cloud your take 
on this.

Which is your right, but I personally think you are wrong.

And I have to agree that I think the plug should be pulled - on the cameras and 

It is not help Terry at all by prolonging this, is it? 
It is not helping her husband by prolonging this, is it?

If she wished for her parents to make these decisions for her, rather than her 
husband, she should have left such instructions.

Jerry Johnson
Web Developer
Dolan Media Company

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/26/05 07:50PM >>>
By not filing a living will she failed to say otherwise. Nothing more.
I know I damn sure would not want my ex making medical decisions for
me and would not have wanted him to so in the five years we stayed
married after breaking up, in which it did not occur to me to make a
living will. How many twenty-somethings do?

Now the law, yes, the law may well be that he is her guardian, but
this is a case where the law is an ass. It's very clear that he is at
a minimum not concerned with her. When was the last time he visited?

As for wanting it over, he has only to walk away. It need not concern
him, but divorce does not seem to be an option for him, which makes me
suspicious. Why not? That's a red flag for a bad relationship.

The other remark about putting her there refers to an allegation that
he hit her and she fell, hitting her head. I have no information as to
actual causation, but I have not heard the story the way you tell it.
I believe the husband's current version is that she was bulimic and
gave herself a potassium imbalance through dehydration from vomiting.


On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 17:57:04 -0600, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dana wrote:
> > I'm saying I don't believe him. I have heard him and I have heard the
> > parents. I believe them and I don't believe him. In my opinion what we
> > are seeing is state-sanctioned domestic violence, and that's assuming
> > he in fact has nothing to do with putting her in this condition.
> I don't see how he could've had anything to do with her accident since
> it was due to medication she was prescribed by doctors who were then
> sued due to their malpractice.  He would've had to have coerced her
> doctors into prescribing the wrong drugs and then taking the heat from
> his lawsuit.  Not too likely.
> As to him wanting it over, who wouldn't?  He's been in legal battles
> for 15 years and probably has millions of people that harass him every
> day due to this.  I'd want it over too.
> As for the state-sanctioned violence, that's way off the mark since
> Ms. Schiavo did make her wishes known: by not filing a living will she
> told the state that she wanted her husband to make the decisions.

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