I canno see how that part of the brain can be regenerated at all. It
contains the most complex axions and nerve cells, along with support
cells etc. Any therapy which could possibly regenerate this part of
the brain would be major news.


On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 09:13:45 -0600, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Larry wrote:
> > What chance? All that is Ms Shaivo was lost. What makes us, us is
> > mostly the cerebral cortex. According to court testimony and outside
> > interviews, the medical consensus is that  this part of the brain has
> > mostly died off and atrophied with Ms. Shaivo. All that is left is the
> > lower functioning parts of the brain.
> >
> I'm glad you clarified that as it was my speculation.  I'm no brain
> surgeon, but I'd say that means even if there was some type of
> regenerative therapy it wouldn't return Ms Shaivo - only her brain
> which would make a completely new person.
> Maybe it's a little weird, but Ms. Shaivo does still own that body and
> the law says if she's gone that property goes to her husband.

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