Mistake? We don't know that. Let's say the answer to all of the
following questions is no.


On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 14:32:34 -0800, William Bowen
> > Discuss.
> Let's see, a DNR generally pertains to breathing, heart stoppage or
> something imminently life threatening.
> "Conscious but unresponsive" seems to indicate that she is able to
> breath on her own.
> So, please answer any one or all of the following please:
> Is she arresting or seizing in any way?
> Is there a requirement for intubation?
> CPR?
> Resuscitation in any way?
> Is there contact information on the chart or something indicates
> whether or not the lawyer's wife is capable of making medical
> decisions for her?
> If not, then there is no reason to require the DNR be adhered to
> because she is not in need of resuscitation.
> Are you suggesting that perhaps the DNR on her chart is there by
> mistake as in the case of your aunt recently?
> --
> will
> "If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
> and that would just be unacceptable."
> - Carrie Fisher

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