I agree with your position, however, according to the memo obtained by
Greg Palast, posted above, he DID know it.

It's a bit long and dry, but it says that the evidence is being
created to justify the invasion. Before the invasion. This is not
really news to anyone who has read Bob Woodward's book, but there it
is on paper, attributed to a named source in the British civil


On 5/6/05, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sam ;)
> >
> > I had a feeling we would hear from you on this. Gonna have to check
> > the Washington Post article, but even assuming it's quoted accurately
> > and that's all true, the fact is that the President of the United
> > States stood up in from of the United Nations and made statements on
> > behalf of this country which, according to this memo, he knew to be
> > false.
> >
> > But wait, since there is no oral sex involved, it's not impreachment
> > material. I'm sorry, I just can't say that with a straight face, hehe.
> >
> > Dana
> >
> I doubt anyone still buys that that he KNEW he was lying across the board on
> WMD's. If anyone still believes this.....i got a bridge to sell 'em.
> Howevever, that distinction is only semantics as far as i'm concerned. What
> he claimed was true, was not! Period. The buck stops with him. At worst he
> was lying, at best he was incompetent.  Either way.....its an administrative
> blunder of gigantic proportions....makes his re-election that much more mind
> boggling.

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