OK :) I suppose this is a valid point of view. Just make sure you
always use your turn signals and never run the yellow, is all I can

As for hunted down, sure. This is the function of the Border Patrol
and ICE and imho they should be beefed up. But why complicate local
traffic laws with federal concerns? Just imagine what this is going to
do to lines in the MVD. And when I think what I went through last year
to get a copy of my birth certificate, I can't begin to imagine what's
going to happen with refugees, who, mind you, are here legally. What
about my former co-worker, who was born in a Soviet Republic? The
issuing authority for her birth certificate no longer exists. And
exactly who is going to train the MVD clerk to know that, for example,
the province of Ontario is a valid issuing authority for Canadian
birth certificates?

It's a huge unfunded mandate, and unlikely to have any kind of
effectiveness in proportion to the hassle it causes.


On 5/9/05, Jerry Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But if you are illegal, you shouldn't get a driver's license or
> insurance (or a bank account or health insurance).You should be
> IMMEDIATELY deported. You should be actively hunted down and kicked
> out. You are not welcome. You snuck in through the back door. You have
> willfulling and purposefully disregarded the laws of this country.
> Leave now. Get OUT!
> I think if you ever are caught illegally in this country, you should
> NEVER be allowed in again, no VISA, nor ever be allowed to immigrate
> from that point. You blew it.
> There are too many good people who have gone through all the right
> steps to let these dirtbags profit from their crimes. (Yes, crimes)
> Jerry Johnson
> Web Developer
> On 5/9/05, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ....
> > But actually, while yes, people who have entered the country illegally
> > have broken the law, so have you if you run a red light. Doing so does
> > not make you any more likely to drive without insurance; neither, I
> > would argue, does crossing the border illegally or overstaying a visa.
> > On the other hand, if you can't get s driver's license, you can't get
> > insurance.

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