Bwah, hahahah!  Can I pass that along to some of my Nihongo-phile friends?


Ken Ketsdever wrote:
> While learning Japanese I picked up on the word "Kawai" (Ka-waa-ee) - cute.  
> While in a little gift shop one day a half dozen girls from the local high 
> school came in and looked at this framed picture of basset hound and all of 
> them let out in their (correct version) cute squeaky little voices, "ahh 
> kawai-so ne". Ne - sorta translates into "isn't it".  
> So I learned a new word.  Kawai-so must mean very or extremely cute.  Went on 
> a date that night with this Japanese girl I had been trying to go out with 
> for sometime.  As we are leaving my car and heading for the club I tell her 
> that her blouse is really cute, (kawai-so).  
> She stopped rather abruptly turned and smacked me hard across the face.   The 
> night was done. We went to the club be she went off and hung out with her 
> friends and would have nothing to do with me. 
> When I got home early the next morning I went straight to my dictionary.  
> Kawai - cute
> Kawai-so - pathetic.

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