Did you go back to that high school and slap those girls?  ;^) 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Ketsdever [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 2:45 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Friday rant

While learning Japanese I picked up on the word "Kawai" (Ka-waa-ee) -
cute.  While in a little gift shop one day a half dozen girls from the
local high school came in and looked at this framed picture of basset
hound and all of them let out in their (correct version) cute squeaky
little voices, "ahh kawai-so ne". Ne - sorta translates into "isn't it".

So I learned a new word.  Kawai-so must mean very or extremely cute.
Went on a date that night with this Japanese girl I had been trying to
go out with for sometime.  As we are leaving my car and heading for the
club I tell her that her blouse is really cute, (kawai-so).  

She stopped rather abruptly turned and smacked me hard across the face.
The night was done. We went to the club be she went off and hung out
with her friends and would have nothing to do with me. 

When I got home early the next morning I went straight to my dictionary.

Kawai - cute

Kawai-so - pathetic.

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