> From: Sam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I always believed if you bulked up too much you'd have to 
> maintain those muscle forever or they'd turn top flab and 
> become dead weight. I could be wrong but how do you get rid 
> of unused muscle?

If you are into lifting weights and cycle through cutting (dropping fat and
preserving lean muscle) and bulking (building muscle with minimal fat gains)
then you are already aware of the fact that if you are not in one of the
phases you are in a state where your muscles won't be stressed and thus will
begin to atrophe. It sounds bad, but atrophy only takes place to the point
where the muscle is most utilized. So if you bulk up and then take a couple
years off, your muscles will slowly shrink in size.  If it is slow enough,
the skin is ellasitc enough to keep pace so you shouldn't notice much saggy
skin and what not. If you rapidly drop size (muscle and or fat) you will
notice a lot of flabby skin that will tighten up over time.

> By break I meant getting married having kids and/or a hectic 
> job might keep someone out of the gym for an unplanned five 
> or ten-year period.
> I've been on and off in the last ten years with every 
> intention of going back to three times a week.

That is what I mean though. Fitness and health have to find their way into
your life even if it means adjusting your schedule 100%. Everyone can find 3
days a week to do something..... walking, jogging, biking, weight training,
etc... The time is there, we just have to realize it is a vital component
and make it fit.

> South Beach isn't a fad diet. It teaches you to eat properly 
> for the rest of your life. The only fad part is the first two 
> weeks you go off most carbs just to help you loose the 
> cravings for the junk carbs like cookies and popcorn etc.
> Once the craving is gone the rooting around for snacks goes away.
> Mostly common sense in the book but he says always stay away 
> from white potatoes, sweet potatoes are ok in small doses. It 
> all has to do with the glycemic index, the faster something 
> turns to sugar in your system the worse it is for you. So 
> whole wheat pastas and multi grain breads from now on. And he 
> says judge bread by weight, the lighter it is the worse it is.

There is nothin wrong with high GI carbs. In fact, on lifting days (M,W,F)
the best thing to do when you are done lifting is to ingest dexatrose.
That's right, sugar! Mix it with water and whey protien and suck it down no
more than 30 minutes after your workout.  The insulin spike immediately
replenishes the muscles which you just got done abusing while working out.
60-90 minutes after your workout you want to replenish the glycogen stores
you depleted during your workout so you should eat something with a high GI
value. A baked potato with vegetables and chicken is good as is a nice big
sweet potato. 

Carbs aren't bad. People just have to realize that your body doesn't
properly uitilize them unless you are in a glvogen defecit as outlined
above. Don't be fooled by bread color... judge it by the ingredients on the
package. Stone ground whole wheat with minimal sugar is best... some of the
manufacturers know consumers will look at the color thus they are darkening
their breads to appear to be a good choice.

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