Or a President that has tough choices, like imigration and Social
Security. Also remember when Clinton was Pres the Republicans worked
with him even before they won control. The Dems on the other hand
refuse to cross part lines even as a minority.

On 6/22/05, Gruss Gott wrote:
> > Brian wrote:
> > But relatively speaking, that's higher than a lot of presidents. 60% is a
> > high turnout for a US presidential election.
> >
> Polls go up and down, but what they reflect in this case is a mediocre
> to poor President.
> Which is why prominent conservatives from the Reagan-Bush era have
> teamed up with the "greens" to form a policy institute.  And why Ms.
> Clinton has teamed up with Mr. Gingrich.  These teams can happen when
> a President's policy fails.
> Of course most Americans don't understand nor notice the policy
> trends, but they do have their metrics such as body count and gas
> prices up vs. prestige and currency strength down.

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