You obviously misunderstood that. Probably my fault but I never was
good at expressing myself. As this Rush quote expresses "Do you
realize Chuck Hagel is upset that he's been quoted on al-Jazeera? What
does he expect? What do they expect when they go out
and talk about Iraq as a total failure and the president is lying to

My point was when Gruss rehashes the Left's ratings that are used as
propaganda by al-Jazeera and others against America then it is
demoralizing America, in my opinion.
Just like I pointed out with Fonda and Kerry, they used us against
ourselves. I didn't mean it as name-calling but I now realize it could
be seen that way and am sorry for it.

On 7/1/05, S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
> If you read the below exchange Loathe (or maybe Gruss, I'm not sure)
> described their opinion of a subject which at the time of description
> fit the context fo the discussion ("it demoralizes Americans").
> Instead of presenting an alternative argument, you responded with name
> calling ("Only people like you do that") which is only a hairs breadth
> away from "No I didn't, you did! You stink! Poo poo head!". (If you're
> scratching your head, the "name" in this case is "people like you" and
> it's a name because you then associate "people like you" with
> demoralizing Americans. In other words "you're a [insert pejorative
> here]".) So... to recap: someone says "I believe the war is
> demoralizing Americans" and you respond with "you're a demoralizing
> jerk". Sounds like a very mature response to me.
> If nothing else it was a foolish statement (what purpose did name
> calling serve?). Loathe responded to the name-calling by expressing
> his belief that you are a fool (which is more name-calling, so we're
> not exactly elevating ourselves here, but I digress), so you called
> him a child... after having said (to paraphrase), "nuh uh, we're
> right, you're wrong, you suck!".
> Your pretense of being superior here is thin. You're acting like a
> child and then calling the other person childish and pretending to be
> "the mature one" in this conversation. Hence the insult. I think you
> deserved it. Hope it helps. Probably won't but I never know, there's
> an outside chance the person you insulted might receive an apology.
> > My saying Gruss' views about America being an evil empire
> > that attacks innocent Iraqis demoralizes America is not
> > name calling is it? Maybe, but not childish.
> > Now you're insulting me. whatever.

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