Couldn't have explained it better myself.

It's good to be around friends of like mind :)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gruss Gott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 10:43 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: speaking of
> > Sam wrote:
> > My point was when Gruss rehashes the Left's ratings that are used as
> > propaganda by al-Jazeera and others against America then it is
> > demoralizing America, in my opinion.
> There's 2 things here, and I'll take the second one first,
> "demoralizing America":
> (1)
> The greatest things an American can do is speak out against his
> government - it's the ultimate patriotic act, besides dying for that
> right.
> The concept that publicly disagreeing with your gov't in times of war
> is wrong is the principle every dictatorship throughout history has
> used to control its people.  First you say, "because of war you cannot
> speak free."  Then we say, "because of war, you cannot act free". 
> Finally, "because of war you cannot live free."
> This extends to GitMo where we hold prisoners without due process. 
> Legally they aren't owed it, even by the Geneva Convention, IMO, and
> typically during war POWs have no rights unless a crime is committed
> within the camp.  That is all reasonable.
> The problem comes in when you define war as forever.  Now the act of
> denying due process becomes a state imposed policy.  It is for that
> reason that I would say the "war on terror" is not a "war" and we
> should be demonstrating to the world the principles we hold dear which
> the terrorists are opposing.  This is what won the Cold War.
> (2)
> What's a Liberal?
> Typically talk radio defines it in a simplistic, and therefore wrong,
> way: if you oppose Mr. Bush you're a liberal.
> It's a bit trickier and you have to split it up even to be simple:
> * Fiscal liberals believe that the federal gov't should use tax
> revenue to solve social problems such as poverty, for example Social
> Security or Welfare, education, or racism.
> * Fiscal conservatives believe that the free market is the best place
> for this and only in the case of a demonstrable, repeatable market
> failure should the federal gov't step in.
> * Social conservatives believe the federal gov't should be used to
> impose an arbitrary morality on citizens.
> * Social liberals believe freedom is the ultimate morality and
> therefore only those acts which violate "pursuit of happiness" should
> be legislated, and on a local level.
> Mr. Bush is fiscally liberal and socially conservative.  I am the
> opposite so I oppose him, but, as Robert pointed out, I'm libertarian
> rather than liberal.

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