Every dog I've ever had has eaten his own poop.

The last mistake ziggy made was just this weekend, and it wasn't so much a
mistake, he was too scared to go outside.

It was during a thunderstorm, he went to the door barked, and I let him out,
but he would get his head out the door and then realized what was going on
out there. Then ran back inside.

But after he went, he went over to where he feels safe and cowered down with
this sad little I'm sorry look.

Ever sense we finished the fence and we don't have to leash him to use the
bathroom he has gotten much better.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 2:48 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Dog Training Crates
> no its own poop.
> come on nick.
> dogs eat cat poop.  but they dont get into dog poop.
> at least not mine, nor any of mine in the past.
> mine absolutey ABHORS his own poop, and in fact when he does
> make a mistake, will do EVERYTHING in his power to hide from me... knowing
> he
> cannot, he simply cowers at my feet, and i pet him and tell him its
> ok, just dont do it
> again, and they have become WAYYY less frequent.
> tw

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