And do you know why this is happening?  Because Sharon was stupid enough to say that 
there will no peace agreement until there are 7
days of peace in Israel.  So, now all the wackos are going to blow something up every 
7 days to disrupt the peace process.

The terrorists are going to do anything they can do to disrupt the peace process and 
these policies make it easier for them to plan
the disruption.

And yes, it's very sad...

Just my 2 cents...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Angel Stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 5:39 PM
Subject: Massive blasts rock Central Jerusalem :(

> The Jewish Sabbath just came to an end, and were out in cafes and on the
> streets.
> Reports so far say that two bombs ripped thorugh central jerusalem,
> which were probably suicide bombers, and right after a car bomb also
> went off.
> They say that as many as 100 people could be seriously word
> on how many dead. But they say that casualties could be high because of
> all the people that were out and about.
> It sounds almost like blowing up bombs in the middle of New orleans or
> something on a party night. :(
> This is so terrible.
> -Gel
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