> Sam  wrote:
> Yes, but I'm wondering if you did :)

Mr. McCain is pointing out that we need to fight terrorists where
they're bred; his so-called "breeding grounds for radical Islamic
extremism".  Iraq was not one of these breeding grounds.

By invading it, the US has destroyed not a breeding ground, but
created a terrorist training camp many times better than the ones that
existed in Afghanistan.  You see, Afghanistan was BOTH a training
ground AND a breeding ground.

Iraq, on the other hand, was neither to any significant degree.  How
many Iraqis attacked the US prior to invasion?  Zero.  How many
Saudis?  15.  So where's the breeding ground?

This is why plopping an Army into Iraq and thinking we can exterminate
the terrorists is flawed: the breeding grounds still exist!

As I've said, you can't rid yourself of pests without destroying the
hive and hive is not and was not Iraq: it's Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria,
Pakistan, et al.  If you want apples go to the tree.

BTW - I'll bet dollars to donuts that if they catch London bombers
that not a single one is Iraqi.  The "draw them out" policy is utterly

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