The UN and the IAEA have said publicly that they were limited in their 
search scope. There are still reports coming out how they were scared off 
from investigating many sites even to this day. There are still reports 
coming out about WMD making equipment that was found, seen, stolen and all. 
The story is still open but the point is moot. There was a UN resolution for 
Saddam to open up all his sites. He refused and played games in many cases. 
There was a UN resolution to deal with him. Nothing came from it. To say 
it's all Bush's fault is to ignore ALL of the past. If it was all his fault, 
he would have never gone to the UN in the first place.
I bet Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was Bush's fault as well. I bet Iraq's mass 
murderers, support of terrorists and wars were all Bush's fault as well. Oh, 
did I say terrorist support. Yes, it was well known but the evidence for 
support with Al Qaeda is sketchy, especially if you ignore meetings between 
Al Qaeda supporters and Iraqis. But if the media says no, then it means no 
despite any evidence.
No, Bush is not a saint but he's not the devil either despite how he's 
painted (mostly by the media as well).

I wonder why the media always shows us scenes from Iraq where we are wrong 
and never scenes from Iraq where we are right?

> No, I blame one man and his administration for not looking at all the
> factors.
> The U.N. said there was no evidence of WMDs
> The IAEA said there was no evidence of WMDs.
> There has never been evidence linking Iraq to Al Qaeda.
> Bin Laden referred to Sadam as an infidel.

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