another trick to use is to import style sheets that have CSS
incompatible with older browsers, as in:

<style type="text/css" media="screen">
     @import "/css/CSS-PstylesheetName.css";

/* other css goes in here */

Since older browsers do not handle the import declaration, they ignore it.

Also you may want to get a couple of good books on the topic, Jeff
Zeldman's Designing With Web Standards is very good, and Eric Meyer on
CSS is a must have.


On 7/25/05, Kevin Graeme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/25/05, Russel Madere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The client wants this site and the realted sites to have use the latest web 
> > technologies as a showcase for what can be done on the web.  I decided to 
> > use XML and Flash and HTML, CSS and DHML.  I feel this will be excellent 
> > technologies to showcase.  I also want to keep the KISS Principle in mind.
> Presumably you mean DHTML instead of DHML. Between that and Flash, I
> think you've completely avoided KISS.
> > Should I be using tables still to layout my page?
> Up to you. I would make the decision base on 1) My audience's browser
> choices; and 2) how much the job is worth tackling an extended
> learning curve.
> CSS is easy to get started with but quickly becomes frustrating. I
> find that CSS development puts much more time up front in the design
> stage. The benefit usually comes in later in maintenance.
> > If not, should I switch to Layers?
> Layers is a Dreamweaver name for a poor implementation of CSS
> positioning. CSS positioned layouts are often referred to as CSS-P or
> just CSS layouts. As for "should", that's up to you. I wouldn't use
> Dreamweaver Layers if you paid me, but I do use CSS layouts.
> > If I switch to Layers, how far back are they supported in browser 
> > technology?
> Reliably, only IE6, Opera 6, and Firefox on Windows. Depending on what
> you want to do, IE 5.5 and Mozilla browsers may work fine or can be
> accommodated with some CSS hacks. On the Mac, you're talking the most
> recent browsers on OS X (not IE), and OS 9 or older is right out for
> anything but the most comically rudimentary stuff.
> > If I stick to tables, does anyone know how to define the medium font size 
> > for text in tables without messing up accessibility?  The text is always a 
> > size larger in the tables than the surrounding white space in Internet 
> > Explorer (the most used browser visiting the client's site by nearly 90%) 
> > and Firefox.
> First thing off, you need to have a proper DTD.
> The other trick is to declare your base font in the CSS with something
> like this:
> body, td, th {font: 12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}
> Some older browsers don't have proper inheritence for some elements.
> So declaring the base font in just BODY won't be carried into TD as
> you're seeing. I'm surprised you mention Firefox though which makes me
> think you're missing the DTD.
> > Should I be overly worried about accessibility on a commercial site?
> Considering your audience, I would. You're dealing with a site with an
> audience of veterans, right?
> -Kevin

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