Her mom moved in with her, BTW.  Mom doesn't seem to have any qualms 
about closing the blinds, either.  Her bedroom is right beside gym 
girl's and I made the mistake of glancing over there one morning.  Now I 
wish _I_ was blind....


Jim Campbell wrote:
> Wow Ray, like gym girl isn't enough?  :)
> - Jim
> Ray Champagne wrote:
>>That question took a hell of a lot longer to ask than I expected.
>>Of course, Erika, you know we're all wondering....  :)
>>Malcoy Fitzpatrick II wrote:
>>>is she hawt?
>>>On 7/29/05, Erika L Walker-Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>So I thought y'all might be interested in an update ...
>>>>She's been coming for a few weeks now, and has done a really good job
>>>>with some data entry we desperately needed. She's extremely fast on the
>>>>keyboard and is a quick learner. I'm taking it slow and delegating tasks
>>>>I've simply not had time to do.
>>>>For some of the other things that don't need to be done inhouse, I
>>>>farmed it out to a student I know who was desperate for work. So that's
>>>>coming along nicely too.
>>>>The delegating of jobs is the hardest part - I tend think that only I
>>>>can get them done right, but once I let go of something and someone
>>>>proves that they can do a better job at it than even me - it's a very
>>>>uplifting and rewarding experience ... Very hard to explain too.
>>>>Anyway - that's that. :)

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