But of all of FDR's reelections, only  one, 1944, was a war time
election. The others all happened during peacetime.


On 8/2/05, Howie Hamlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's also another issue - Americans tend not to vote out a sitting 
> president in time of war (which is part of the reason why FDR won 4 terms).  
> With all of the drum pounding and talk of the "'war' on terror" I think there 
> were some voters who wanted to retain the status quo.
> Howie
> --- On Tuesday, August 02, 2005 11:52 AM, Gruss Gott scribed: ---
> >
> > That's an often heard but specious argument because it assumes that
> > the voters are educated about the problems, the policy choices, and
> > are choosing the best solutions.  Or it assumes that all of the votes
> > are idiots and all it takes is a smart person to manipulate them.
> >
> > Of course the truth is nowhere near there.  Why people vote and who
> > they vote for is a complicated phenomena:
> >
> > 1.) You've got your emotionally invested voters.  They've aligned
> > their self worth with a party and consider that party part of their
> > identity so ding to the party is a ding to them personally.  These are
> > your rabid Limbaugh/Franken listeners.  I'd put their numbers at about
> > 50% or voters.
> >
> > 2.) Next, you've got your single issue voters.  Whether it's abortion,
> > gun control, labor, religion, etc. they vote on one issue.  I'd say
> > they're about 30% of voters.
> >
> > 3.) You've your basic suburban swing voters: the "soccer moms" or
> > "NASCAR dads".  They're about 18%.
> >
> > 4.) Finally you've got your policy/political package voters.  These
> > voters consider their personal situations, the policy landscape, and
> > the political landscape making a decision for each election on how the
> > completed gov't would look and act.  These people will often vote
> > different parties and have no allegiance to any party.  They're the
> > final 2%
> >
> > To win elections as a major party you usually need to get the swing
> > 18% which is why you need millions and why candidates NEVER set
> > metrics for policy.  Which is why the policy ALWAYS fails.
> >
> > The calculus for the last presidential election split right down the
> > middle so each party knew it needed a secret weapon to win.  Repubs
> > appealed to single issue voters and Dems to youth.
> >
> > The problem wasn't so much one of smarts but one of what secret
> > weapons were available in key swing states.  Which is another way of
> > saying the party with the largest opportunity to pander usually wins.
> >
> >

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