>> Ike wrote:
>> But I do get enjoyment (if not deep fulfillment)
>> out of programming. When I'm able to "innovate"
>> and make things happen faster and/or better for
>> myself, and then share that with others, that
>> makes me happy

> Thanks for sharing that - we all face challenges
> and it's nice to know we're not alone.

Thanks for accepting me, in spite of my bitching. :)

> I have a suggestion, and apologize if I'm
> presuming or if you've already thought of it,
> but one business idea that programmers can be
> really successful with is operations consulting.

It's not something I'd considered no...

> If business analysis isn't your schtick, post a
> want-ad at a top 10 MBA school (Wharton, HBS,
> GSB, Kellogg, etc) looking for a guy to start a
> operations consulting business.  He/she can be
> the business person and you can do the
> programming.  Heck, he'll probably bear all
> of the overhead for the first few projects and
> would likely be able to secure VC, if needed.

That's probably the route that I would go... Not sure about my ability
to get an ad placed at one of those schools... I'm not saying I
couldn't... just that there was some talk on the list(s) a while back
about internships and I found researching internship programs at the
local colleges to be more challenging than I'd expected. Which may say
more about the nature of the colleges located in South Florida than
anything else, but that was my experience.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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