> Because this isn't a question of opinion, it's question of leadership.
> Either we all agree that the federal gov't's first job is to protect
> its citizens or we don't.  If we do, then gov't failed.  If we don't
> then what is gov't's first job?  Why do have FEMA, DHS, or a military?

The first line of defense against this hurricane by our government, in order 
to "protect" its citizens, was a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans. This 
was initiated at a local level. This was by FAR the best means for any level 
of government to protect it's citizens....get them out.

Once the storm hit, and the levees broke, and our worst fears were 
imagined....it now becomes EVERY level of governments job to try and save as 
many of it's citizens that it can. At this point, all levels failed to 
perform as they should have.

You think the primary failure was Bush and the Federali's....ok, fine. This 
guy, who's been in a natural disaster situation before, feels the primary 
failure was at the local level. I'm saying that his opinions bear 
consideration. This IS a question of opinion, and it's a question of opinion 
on leadership.

> Yes, maybe the local folks could've yelled louder, but especially
> after 9/11 it is DHS/FEMA's job to find the holes and patch them up.
> Remeber, this wasn't a local storm, it was a federal storm.

>From everything i've read, the FEMA was the agency that seemed to have 
really dropped the ball here.

> The gov't's job is to take a US view things and decide where the
> problems could be and ensure they're covered.  If it isn't, why have
> them?

Exactly what FEMA is/was supposed to do. They failed miserably. 

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