I'm torn big time here too. I fight for separation of church and state 
everywhere I can. The constitution only says that government shall make no 
laws establishing religion or the free practice there of.  Having "under 
God" in a pledge doesn't establish a religion....but it does purport a 
belief. Is that distinction important? I don't really know.

I guess my question is, couldn't there have been a better solution? The 
easiest, in my view, would be to simply remove "under God" from the pledge. 
It wasn't there originally anyway!!

The rest of that pledge is so damn nifty....i hate throwing it out 
completely. This seems like a "baby with the bathwater" scenario.

> double-edged sword here.
> if you want separation of church and state, you can't pick and choose
> what you keep and what you take away.  reciting "One Nation, Under God"
> is not separating church and state.  to me, this is a small price to pay
> to get the right-wing religious faction out of government.  the first
> step is always the hardest.
> Vivec wrote:
>> Lol..
>> can things get any worse over there?
>> What's next?
>> Banning the Decleration of Independence??
>> Or the how about the grand finale..Outlawing your Constitution from
>> being taught.
>> On 9/14/05, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>From Abcnews.com:
>>>"Breaking News: Federal Judge delcares it unconstitutional to recite 
>>>pledge of allegiance in public schools."
>>>No other details yet, and this hasn't appeared on the other major news 
>>>outlets yet.

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