Yes, I agree.  Each one is a tragedy.  

My point was that he's quibbling over names and whatever each side is called
is irrelevant in the context of the discussion.
Matthew Small

-----Original Message-----
From: Dana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 4:16 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Science, for dummies

I have never in my entire life heard anyone say that every woman should have

an abortion. Each one is a tragedy, which perhaps averts another. And this 
mind you, is the point of view of a very pro-choice observer. I may not 
support somone pro-choice, but never support anyone who isn't.

 On 9/20/05, Matthew Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> You've avoided the issue.
> "EVERYBODY is anti-abortion since nobody is pro-abortion."
> That's a ridiculous statement in the context of our argument and lends no
> weight to whatever your point is.
> "It's my firm belief that nobody understands much about the Bible."
> So how would you know in fact if anybody does or does not? It's a written
> book, in fact there's one in about every hotel room in the US, I'm sure
> somebody has studied this thing.
> "BTW - isn't it 'The Revelation of John' rather than 'The Book of
> Revelations'" - Ok, this again doesn't do anything for your argument. If 
> it
> does, it supports the fact that I'm not a Bible Scholar, which I never
> claimed to be. Furthermore, it's a common name for the book, whatever the
> full name is, which makes me correct, supported by this Christian scholar 
> on
> PBS:
> tion.html
> "3.) Those who choose to spend their time fighting the effect rather
> than the cause of the problem."
> It seems that your cause - unwanted pregnancy - is not the same as their
> cause - unwanted abortion. It just so happens that your cause in this case
> conflicts with their cause in the single instance of abortion. It doesn't
> conflict with birth-control, does it? It seems like the perfect 
> compromise.
> "Now let's take their legal issue. If abortion were illegal what would
> the penalty be? Putting the mother in jail? For how long? 30
> years?"
> I have no idea, since I'm not a champion for either cause. I don't really
> care.
> However, if it were illegal, I imagine the doctor would be going to jail 
> as
> well. If the mother were in jail, I imagine she couldn't get pregnant 
> again,
> could she?
> "Those #3 people are either mis-guided, ignorant, cowardly or all 3
> since they avoid solving the true cause of the problem, unwanted
> pregnancy."
> Again, you've confused your crusade with theirs, if I understand that 
> yours
> is "unwanted pregancy". Also, wouldn't lack of abortion be a deterrant?
> Perhaps they are "mis-guided", but where do ignorant and/or cowardly come
> into play?
> Matthew Small
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gruss Gott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 3:43 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Science, for dummies
> > Matthew wrote:
> > It's clear you don't understand much about the Bible.
> > For believers, the Bible is the inspired Word of the Lord passed down
> Well, that's certainly true. It's my firm belief that nobody
> understands much about the Bible. I find it ironic that anyone WOULD
> claim to understand much about the Bible or to go further and say they
> know it's the word of God. In fact doing so makes them sinners in the
> eyes of the Bible in multiple ways.
> ((BTW - isn't it 'The Revelation of John' rather than 'The Book of
> Revelations')
> > I'm unsure why you label anti-abortion people as cowards. Whether or not
> > you believe their cause, they have taken a stand.
> EVERYBODY is anti-abortion since nobody is pro-abortion. There are 3
> basic camps of anti-abortionists:
> 1.) Those that do nothing for or against unwanted pregnancy.
> 2.) Those that seek to stop the sole cause of abortion, unwanted
> pregnancy, through birth control, education, and education. For
> Planned Parenthood.
> 3.) Those who choose to spend their time fighting the effect rather
> than the cause of the problem.
> Those #3 people are either mis-guided, ignorant, cowardly or all 3
> since they avoid solving the true cause of the problem, unwanted
> pregnancy.
> Now let's take their legal issue. If abortion were illegal what would
> the penalty be? Putting the mother in jail? For how long? 30
> years?
> Clearly putting a teen mother in jail for even 10 years is to totally
> avoid the real cause of the problem and is therefore foolish,
> cowardly, or both.

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